
Last year a friend inspired me to do a photo blog. Unfortunately it was not at the very beginning of the year. I have been thinking about this all year and decided this was the year that I would make it happen. I am a scrapbooker at heart and take a million pictures anyway. This blog seemed to be right up my alley. Here is to new adventure, memories and a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today was girls day. I went out to lunch with a friend. we had Gyro's. Yum! We caught up on life and laughed a little. Those moments really can't be beat. We sat around and talked for a few hours then I decided it was time to come home to my hubby. I had my camera with me knowing she had all these citrus trees. I snapped some pictures while she was picking fresh grapefruit for us. I actually went with the navel orange picture today. I was a little artsy with this picture. I really love the way it came out. I first embossed the picture then put the same picture over it and made it opaque with a soft edge. I think it looks cool.

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