
Last year a friend inspired me to do a photo blog. Unfortunately it was not at the very beginning of the year. I have been thinking about this all year and decided this was the year that I would make it happen. I am a scrapbooker at heart and take a million pictures anyway. This blog seemed to be right up my alley. Here is to new adventure, memories and a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today's goal was to get an eye popping sunset picture. Don and I waited till it was almost time for a perfect picture. So, we went to the Park of the Canals up the street from our house. When we got there I realized that I hadn't charged my camera battery so this experience was going to be a very short one. We did manage to get one sunset. It was good but not my best shot of the day. Amazingly,in the quick time it took to get the pictures, there were 4 really fabulous ones. Sadly, I am limiting this blog to one photo a day. Please feel free to check out my picasa album. I will have the rest on there. Today's photo will be in black and white. I love the way the light played off this cactus. It was beautiful! Hope you enjoy it too.


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