
Last year a friend inspired me to do a photo blog. Unfortunately it was not at the very beginning of the year. I have been thinking about this all year and decided this was the year that I would make it happen. I am a scrapbooker at heart and take a million pictures anyway. This blog seemed to be right up my alley. Here is to new adventure, memories and a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I just can't get over the moss here. It grows on everything. It's amazing.


I took this picture but was unable to post it yesterday. I was getting some quality nephew time. the time just flew by when I realized I hadn't posted. We had good times.

The picture I am using today is an old chicken coop next to the grocery store where my parents shop. I thought it looked cool. Again, something I don't see in the city too often.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Today we walked over to my Aunt's house. I saw this ivy growing out of a tree. Not often we see that at home. So, I had to snap a picture. It ended up being the best one of the day! I was going to go see if there were more pictures to take but it is raining for the first time since I have been here. I don't want to melt, so I will stay inside. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This little dog is a killer. He is always looking out the window to see who his next victim will be. I find him to be really cute when he isn't facing me and his back is towards me like this picture.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today was the coldest day yet. I had my heavy sweater and fleece jacket on all day. We did venture out to my brother's house. I snapped a few pictures on the way. For whatever reason I just love this barn. It has a story to tell. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today is my first full day in Oregon. the weather is a lot different here. Wet and Gloomy. I just got back from my walk where I was able to take some pictures around the neighborhood. Let's just say moss seems to come in every shade of green. I am amazed that it grows on everything here. I guess it never get dry here unlike Phoenix. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am traveling standby today. Everything is packed. I am using one of my favorite pictures of two of our dogs. I have been doing so well at not having dog pictures on this blog. I think it is more important to not miss a day with a photo even if it isn't new. This is my Basset, Tinie and Bulldog, Manwich. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


This morning we went for an hour walk around Tempe Town Lake. I took lots of picture but there weren't that many impressive ones today. I chose this one just because it looks cool with the reflections of the bridge in the water. I bet you couldn't tell it was a bridge. lol! Enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011


This is one of the remaining building at Scorpion Gulch. I thought it looked better in Sepia than normal color. Makes it look older. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I love this picture. Pretty little flowers next to a cactus. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I meant to get pictures earlier today and never got to it. On the way home tonight I saw there were some clouds in the sky and I knew it was going to be a killer sunset. As predicted it was and it was so hard to pick just one picture. I picked the most interesting one. I never get tired of Sunsets in the desert. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I just spent the last 20 minutes taking the peppers off our plants. The cold weather a few weeks ago has really been hard on these plants. With it being like spring here I am really ready to start over. It is a fond farewell and a happy hello. I'm not sure what will be planted next but I hope it turns out as good as these peppers did. Enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am under the weather with a stomach bug today. I am still in my jammies and bath robe and it is 4:30pm. I didn't get out to take pictures today. I thought today would be a great day to show off my new colorful jacket. Enjoy and don't be jealous.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I was getting ready for work today and there was kind of a pinkish orange glow outside. I grabbed my camera real quick before I left. This is our palm tree with the sunrise. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today we went on a hike to the Superstition Mountains. I was trying to remember the last time I went hiking. Lets just say it was not on easy trip for me. I made it the entire way with several stops here and there. I wouldn't let myself quit. I guess that says something. We took maybe 60 pictures today. The one I chose just speaks to me. I imagine it to be like Arizona in the late 1800's. Enjoy!

Friday, January 14, 2011


This tree catches my eye everyday when I go for a walk. The morning sun made it seem so much greener. I couldn't resist the sun reflecting on the leaves. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well, this picture is pretty much self explanatory. It is January 13th and warm enough to drive topless. Woo hoo!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I went for my daily walk today. I got some great photo's. But, this one was just fun. I was crossing the street. As I did there was a pigeon crossing the street in the opposite direction. This of course is not my greatest picture but it is a cute picture that will bring back a memory of my walk. My question to you is.... Why did the pigeon cross the road?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today I couldn't figure out what I wanted to photograph. I looked out the window and found the most amazing sunset. You all might get sick of the sunset pictures but they are stunning here. For the second day in a row it will be a sunset photo. I took this one from the side of our house with the tree in front of it. I think the darkness of it gives it a mysterious look. Enjoy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Kind of a lazy Sunday. I took some photo's in my courtyard. I took this picture of one of my favorite aloes. Once I got it on the computer I noticed there was the a start of a sunset to the left. This is the picture for the day. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Tonight we went to a balloon festival in Cave Creek. It was on the chilly side but we had a great time. We met some friends there and just watched and tried to get great pictures. A lot of mine looked good on the camera but ended up being fuzzy. I really need to work with the different night photo's options. the picture I chose ended up being a pretty good picture. I did this photo in layers. I used one photo as the back ground then put the same photo directly on top and cut out 3 of the balloons. I then used the 3D option for the balloons then shadowed them to make them stand out from the original picture. Enjoy! I have officially made it an entire week with out missing a day. Woo hoo!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today was girls day. I went out to lunch with a friend. we had Gyro's. Yum! We caught up on life and laughed a little. Those moments really can't be beat. We sat around and talked for a few hours then I decided it was time to come home to my hubby. I had my camera with me knowing she had all these citrus trees. I snapped some pictures while she was picking fresh grapefruit for us. I actually went with the navel orange picture today. I was a little artsy with this picture. I really love the way it came out. I first embossed the picture then put the same picture over it and made it opaque with a soft edge. I think it looks cool.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today on our walk we saw this empty birds nest in the cactus. If you look close enough you can see a white feather in the nest.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today I took a 3 mile walk around the neighborhood. There are paths along the canals. I was walking and saw these ducks playing in the water. They looked like such a cute couple. I love the pattern of the water around them. As I walked down the path I also came across the Cubs spring training ball park. I took some pictures but none that were really impressive. So, today picture is called duck soup. Have a great day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This picture is called Hot Chocolate with Uncle Frank. Last February my Uncle died suddenly. There really isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him. I like to think we were close. He was my God Father. I once asked him what it was like to be my God Father. He said he was to young to really know what it meant. When I was young I had mentioned I wanted a pony. My Uncle bought one for me. It's name was trouble. He was cute. But, lets just say the name fit. He bucked my brother and I both off. I was scared and think that may have been the last time I rode him. To this day I like to look at horses and that is it. He also bought me my first and only French Lop for 4-h. Sadly the rabbit died before I could show him. From there we went to Mini Lops. My Uncle taught me how to play chess. Which, I was only able to win one time in my lifetime against him. He even bought a book on how to play. Needless to say it didn't help.
We were fortunate enough to have my Uncle come to Arizona in 2004. We were in the process of buying our house. He was the first family member to get to see it. He was worried about the cracks (from the house settling) We took him to Goldfield ghost town and had an old time picture taken. It hangs in our dining area with the rest of the old time pictures of other family members. When he came he bought us a set of mugs with M&M's on them. Peanut M&M's were his favorite candy. As I sit here drinking my hot chocolate from the M&M that mug  I say thank you Uncle Frank for all those memories you have given me. Thanks for sharing this morning with me.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today's goal was to get an eye popping sunset picture. Don and I waited till it was almost time for a perfect picture. So, we went to the Park of the Canals up the street from our house. When we got there I realized that I hadn't charged my camera battery so this experience was going to be a very short one. We did manage to get one sunset. It was good but not my best shot of the day. Amazingly,in the quick time it took to get the pictures, there were 4 really fabulous ones. Sadly, I am limiting this blog to one photo a day. Please feel free to check out my picasa album. I will have the rest on there. Today's photo will be in black and white. I love the way the light played off this cactus. It was beautiful! Hope you enjoy it too.


Sunday, January 2, 2011


Papago Park. Today we went to Papago Park to get some pictures. This blog so far has been amazing for me. It not only gets me out of the house but it is getting Don our as well. Who knew he would be so interested in this? I love it. We went to the park to walk some trails. We ended up going to the top of the rock formation seen in the background of this picture. I'm not going to lie I was out of breath by the time we got to the top. But, I was so amazed and proud that I made it. I guess it showed me I am not as unhealthy as I thought. Which excites me. I know I have a long way to go to get to where I need to be. I think this blog is going to reflect that as well as the photo's that are put on it. So, far this year has been amazing. I am really looking forward to the future of my blog and life.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


There is snow in the high country today. I knew this would be the perfect picture for my first blog entry. We decided to go Tortilla Flats. This is a road that we go on with the Mini Club. Not only were we getting the perfect picture but we were also getting some curves. Double bonus! We were behind a truck from Colorado. He was of course going at a snails pace. You'd think being from Colorado he would know how to go on the curvy mountain roads. Guess not! We finally made it to Tortilla flats. The road was washed out. I wasn't about to take the Mini over the flooded wash. Low clearance. As we watched the other cars go on further, they showed the big old pot hole under the water. We found our ending spot. I was hoping for some snow photos. Unfortunately, I was unable to find them. We were headed back home and there was a scenic view spot with a great view of the desert with the snow covered peaks. Perfect! There is the picture that will start this blog. I froze half to death as it was only in the 40's to get this shot. I really hope it speaks to you like it does me. On the way back, Don was able to slip into sport mode and take some curves! What a perfect journey to start the year!