
Last year a friend inspired me to do a photo blog. Unfortunately it was not at the very beginning of the year. I have been thinking about this all year and decided this was the year that I would make it happen. I am a scrapbooker at heart and take a million pictures anyway. This blog seemed to be right up my alley. Here is to new adventure, memories and a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We had the best Valentine's day. It was perfect weather. We had a nice dinner together. We exchanged gifts. Valentine's Day isn't a big holiday for us. We do cheesy gifts. Our first Valentine's Day I had requested a potato peeler. From then on it has been tradition. While all my friends get roses I get "Cheese" and love it. This year I didn't receive a lot of cheese though. I got to small crusty frogs for our courtyard and a stuffed dog. But, my biggest surprise was the Fire Stick Succulent. Our courtyard is looking so amazing with all our plants. (Thanks Suzanne) The cold weather we have experienced really hasn't helped but the heat will soon be here. Today's picture is of my newest plant from the top. I love it and hope you do to. Enjoy!

Oh yeah did I forget to mention we had the doors and windows open till almost 7pm. Love this weather!

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