
Last year a friend inspired me to do a photo blog. Unfortunately it was not at the very beginning of the year. I have been thinking about this all year and decided this was the year that I would make it happen. I am a scrapbooker at heart and take a million pictures anyway. This blog seemed to be right up my alley. Here is to new adventure, memories and a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Snow in the Valley Of the Sun. Can you believe it? We went for a partial hike up the Superstition Mountains today. We got snowed and sleeted on. It was great. It has been an interesting winter this year. It even snowed at our house. Here is one of the pictures of the snow. Enjoy!


We went hiking in Papago Park today. We decided to try the higher hill this time. I made it to the top (where the trail ends) But, Don had to show how superior he is to me and climbed the rock. So, he came to the edge to wave and show me he made it. We are way too competitive for our own good. Enjoy!


We came across this. I have never seen cacti spread like this. Some were dead and some still alive. I have no explanation how this happened but it made for a cool picture. Enjoy!


I have been working on getting my courtyard full of plants and crusty toads. The toads must have personality. I got this box in the mail from my parents. When I opened it there was a Crusty toad with loads of personality. Enjoy!


We were walking and found this huge birds nest in the tree. I think it is the biggest I have ever seen. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This tree has caught my eye every time I walk by it. Today was the day. The branches don't grow straight out they curve around. This picture doesn't do it justice, but will give you some idea. Enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011


We walked to the grocery store which is a little over a mile away. Coming back I saw this little canal with this cool tree growing over it. I have seen this little area in all the times we have driven by it.  I am glad we decided to walk. Enjoy!


Still raining! We took a morning walk and the rain drops looked so delicate on this plant. I love the way they look so shiny! Enjoy!


We have rain in the Valley of the Sun today. It dropped the temp about 20 degree's. Once it started raining the windows in the Dog Wash fogged up. I did manage to get this really cool picture on the first try. I tried some more after it and timing wasn't on my side. Enjoy!

Friday, February 18, 2011


I was at the Dog Wash today and couldn't believe how pretty the Lantana looked. I couldn't help myself. I had to snap a picture. Such happy colors. Enjoy!


I like to call this picture Angry Cactus! Look at those needles. This is not my friend. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We went to the Park Of The Canals today to see is spring has sprung. As it turns out it has begun. Here is a picture of a cactus with it's pretty yellow flowers. A purple flower has sprung up between the harshness of tehe cactus. Enjoy!


This is one of the crusty toads Don got me for Valentine's Day. Isn't it cute? Enjoy

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


We had the best Valentine's day. It was perfect weather. We had a nice dinner together. We exchanged gifts. Valentine's Day isn't a big holiday for us. We do cheesy gifts. Our first Valentine's Day I had requested a potato peeler. From then on it has been tradition. While all my friends get roses I get "Cheese" and love it. This year I didn't receive a lot of cheese though. I got to small crusty frogs for our courtyard and a stuffed dog. But, my biggest surprise was the Fire Stick Succulent. Our courtyard is looking so amazing with all our plants. (Thanks Suzanne) The cold weather we have experienced really hasn't helped but the heat will soon be here. Today's picture is of my newest plant from the top. I love it and hope you do to. Enjoy!

Oh yeah did I forget to mention we had the doors and windows open till almost 7pm. Love this weather!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


After having a wonderful day with my hubby (now that we are both getting over the crud) we came home to the most beautiful sunset. Enjoy!


Yesterday was the first day in awhile I needed to be at the Dog Wash. As you can see Coop feels at home on the front desk, while waiting for customers to come and go. Enjoy!


Desert blooms. I find this plant to be so pretty. Enjoy!


We were walking one afternoon and came across this sign. Only in Az! Enjoy!


While I have been sick I started a new project. Knitting a blanket for my Niece. Hopefully I will have finished it before she graduates from college. ha. Enjoy!


I had a really bad cold this past week and had very little energy. This explains how I got behind on my blog. While I was taking it easy so was Knuckles. He didin't really seem to miss me. ha ha. Enjoy.


I know I said I wouldn't be posting too many dog pictures. But, I was away for 2 weeks. I really missed my babies. Coop didn't eat for 4 days. He wouldn't even get out of his bed to visit Don. Here is a picture of Coop with his attitude. Thankfully we are over that. Enjoy!


This is how a husband should look when you come home from a 2 week long trip. Enjoy!


This is our traditional picture when ever I get a chance to go to Oregon. Wil and I are very close. Enjoy!


Brilee was my walking buddy while I was in Oregon. We saw these really pretty flowers growing on out last walk. She said, Aunt Jeanette get your camera here is out picture of the day. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I was laying in bed deciding if I was motivated enough to get up this morning. When my mom knocked on my door and asked if I was awake. She said there was a beautiful sunrise I should come and see. I got up and looked out the dining room window and this is what I saw. I quickly grabbed a jacket ( I was still in my p.j.'s. All these morning I had been up early, I never thought about trying to catch a sunrise. It's is always cloudy here. I am sure I missed some really great sunrises. I am glad my mom called me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today my parents didn't have to watch the children, so we went to the coast. It was actually the warmest I have been since getting here. I took a lot of great pictures and I am still undecided about which one to use. My Mom has a favorite and I have a favorite. I guess we will need to flip a coin. ha ha. Enjoy!

Ok. So, I chose the one I like to call sneaker wave. This wave snuck up on us both and this seagull just stood there like the water was so warm. I have never seen a brown and white seagull before. Normally they are grey.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today we went to a place called DeepWoods. There is a beautiful historic house there. They give tours, just not on Tuesdays. lol I did get a few good pictures but this one really called to me. I love the way the window curves with the building. If the wind hadn't been blowing I probably would have walked around more. It was sunny and very cold. Enjoy!


A lazy afternoon with family. I just love how Tamale sits where ever he feels like it. He would be cute if he wasn't a biter.