
Last year a friend inspired me to do a photo blog. Unfortunately it was not at the very beginning of the year. I have been thinking about this all year and decided this was the year that I would make it happen. I am a scrapbooker at heart and take a million pictures anyway. This blog seemed to be right up my alley. Here is to new adventure, memories and a lot of fun. Happy New Year!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I went on a Mini Run there is a little stop called Tortilla Flats. This is some old buildings they have there. Enjoy!


We went on a new hike in Gold Canyon. The Saguaro's were so majestic looking. I love this picture. Enjoy!


This tree caugh my eye. It wasn't like the other tree in Sedona. Enjoy!


This is the small church at Tlaquepaque. In Sedona. Enjoy!


I love the way the sun is hitting Court House rock. Gorgeous. Enjoy!


This is the begining of the sunset our first night in Sedona. Enjoy!


We spent several days in Sedona. They have these frog statues. I love this ones expression. Enjoy!


This is the palm tree in our front yard. It is blooming. Enjoy!


This is a skeleton of a dead cactus. Enjoy!


I love the texture of this tree. Enjoy!


I'm not sure what this plant is but the red blooms look so soft and furry. Enjoy!


This is a cool water fountain. I love how the light plays on the moving water. Enjoy!


Spring in the Desert. This has such vibrant colors. Enjoy!


We were in Walmart and saw these huge marshmallow. We had to get them. They were a little too big to make the s'mores on the grill. Enjoy!


The Old West. I love the wooden fence. Enjoy!


Here Fishy, Fishy!


We were eating dinner and we noticed this lizard climbing on the screen of our window. Enjoy!


We were in Scottsdale and came across this giant pig statue. It has too much personality. Enjoy!


I love this picture. The rose is such a rich color. Enjoy!


We went to the dog show. This gorgeous baby was laying on his front feet. His face was so wrinkly. As soon as I was ready to get the picture his mom came. There went all those wrinkles. He is still a cutey!


Massage day! This is the beautiful room in which I go to get my massage and relax.


We had to go with a metal water dish. Manwich, our bulldog keeps eating all the palstic ones. As you can see the the metal doesn't stop him. Enjoy!


Our past and our present. I love this picture. Enjoy!


This is a bouganvillea in need of love. I like how it looks so pale.


Sometime colorful umbrella's make a drink happier. Even if it is just a fresh cup of orange juice.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Peeps!!!! Yes, people it is that time of the year. The stores are fully loaded with Peeps. This is my favorite holiday candy. It all started with my Grandma. She used to always have them. The only difference is that she would open them and let them harden and eat them. I personally like them soft and fresh. I don't have a favorite color. Today I chose purple. Enjoy!


We splurged last night and had a Papa Murphy's 5 meat stuffed pizza. I also had a salad. It was so yummy! Enjoy!


From Winter to spring. The bushes are starting to bloom. Just look at these pretty yellow flowers. Enjoy!